Governor Kemp signed legislation that bans certain kinds of transgender medical interventions for children. Thursday’s announcement of the signed legislation “would prevent medical professionals from giving transgender children certain surgical treatments.”
In a statement released by Kemp, the governor placed his legislation in a political and social context. “As elected leaders, it is our highest responsibility to safeguard the bright, promising, futures of our kids – and SB 140 takes an important step in fulfilling that mission.” As reported, “Under the measure, most gender-affirming surgeries and hormone replacement therapies for transgender people under 18 would be banned in the state.” However, as elaborated, “Doctors could still prescribe medicines to block puberty under the bill.”
Medical care and treatment for transgenders has become yet another cultural, medical, and legal battleground. The legislation has opponents. Some opponents said the measure “would hurt transgender children by requiring physicians to violate medical standards of care. They also said it would block parents from doing what they think is best for their children.”
Supporters of the legislation offered arguments counter to their opponents. Supporters advance the argument that “transgender youth can decide to pursue further measures after they are adults.” Opponents disagree, asserting that “such an enforced pause is harmful.” The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released a statement shortly after the bill’s signing pledging to fight the law. The ACLU asserted the legislation will “hurt children and families.”
As reported, “Judges have temporarily blocked laws limiting the treatment of transgender youth in Arkansas and Alabama.” Opponents opine that Georgia’s law would be found unconstitutional by federal and state courts in Georgia.