This week, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, Feeding Georgia, and the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) of the State Bar of Georgia launched the 12th Annual Georgia Legal Food Frenzy, which is a two-week fundraising competition to support the state’s seven regional food banks.
The fundraising competition began on April 17 and will go on until April 28. It is open to everyone in the legal community, and every dollar raised will directly benefit the regional food bank in each competitor’s respective community. Every $1 donated helps to provide $8 in groceries to neighbors in need.
“The Georgia Legal Food Frenzy is an incredible cause, and every year we are proud to see increased engagement and passion from our legal community,” said Carr. “We know that time is a lawyer’s most valuable asset, and what better way to dedicate our time than to fighting hunger and ensuring our kids are well fed all year-round. That is why I am once again challenging our fellow attorneys to donate the equivalent of one billable hour during the competition, so we can make this another record-breaking year in support of children and families across our state.”
As explained in a press release from Carr’s office, “Nearly one in eight children in Georgia is food insecure, and 60 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school. Over the summer, their families often struggle to put enough food on the table without the daily guarantee of school meals. For this reason, the annual Legal Food Frenzy has historically been timed to stock the food banks in anticipation of this summer surge.”
“Last year, Georgia’s attorneys raised more than $880,000 for the state’s regional food banks – the equivalent of over 3.5 million meals. For every dollar raised, teams will earn four points towards their competition score. In 2022, Habachy Law of Atlanta won the Attorney General’s Cup for the eighth consecutive year, earning 82,615 points – the most per person. Greenberg Traurig of Atlanta took home the Bar President’s Award for the third year in a row, earning 272,988 points – the most overall,” the press release added.