Larry Edward Foxworth, 48, of Jonesboro, Georgia, allegedly has ties to a white supremacist group. Foxworth pleaded guilty to federal hate crime charges after he confessed to a pair of shootings at convenience stores during which he allegedly said he “intended to kill Black Arabs,” the Valdosta Daily Times reported.
According to information presented in a U.S. Northern District of Georgia court on July 30, 2021, Foxworth shot several rounds from a pistol through a window and door at two convenience stores. Valdosta Daily Times reported Foxworth was arrested shortly after the second attack. The article continued: “While in police custody at the scene, Foxworth reportedly made statements explaining that he was targeting Black people and others who he perceived to be Arab, according to a Department of Justice (DOJ) news release.”
Foxworth was apparently explicit in his statement of admission, reportedly “expressing hope that he had killed his targets and professed belief in white supremacist ideology and an allegiance to a white supremacist organization,” the DOJ is reported to have stated.
Foxworth’s explicit statements included, according to earlier reports, the admission that he committed the shootings because he didn’t like “towel heads” — described in the article as a slur for South Asian and Middle Eastern people, who sometimes wear turbans or headdresses as part of various cultural practices.
FBI Atlanta Special Agent Keri Farley stated of the case, “Hate-fueled violent crimes ripple through communities, making entire groups feel unsafe and unwelcome, spawning fear and anger. Prosecuting hate crimes is a top priority of the FBI. We will not back down from obtaining justice for victims of hate-based violence.”