Most everyone loves pets. Georgia Rapper Rick Ross has a few of them. Ross’ pets are not adorable little Pomeranians or a kitten or two, or even a turtle. Ross’ pets are bigger; as much as one ton each bigger. They are buffalo. As reported, “Ross had been gifted his two buffalo from his partners at a clothing company last year.”
The Georgia rapper’s “unusual pets are upsetting some of his Georgia neighbors.” A neighbor family which lives near the “Hustlin'” rapper’s estate in Fayetteville is interviewed and recorded on a video embedded in the article (difficult to discern the audio portion). The neighbors say Ross’ “pet buffalo are roaming onto their property.”
The neighbor claims, and the video supports the claim, the buffalo are grazing on their lawn “The neighbor shared footage of the animals, which can weigh up to a ton, with TMZ, saying that the two buffalo have wandered onto her property twice last week.” The video footage shows the buffalo leisurely walking “through her front yard and graze on the grass near her driveway.”
The neighbor may, reasonably, not have wanted a home so close to where the buffalo roam. Beyond these massive creatures grazing on her lawn, the neighbor is concerned the buffalo might choose to graze on her children, or, perhaps, trample them. She stated: “I’m concerned the animals could hurt my two small children.”
Rapper Ross doesn’t perceive his pets to be other than docile transgressing visitors. As reported, in an Instagram story, the rapper said “when you see my buffalo, give them a carrot. Give it an apple. They’re so kind and so peaceful.” As reported, Ross also has four horses and a bull living on his property.
As reported in the article but referencing another buffalo roaming incident, the following assertion was stated: “While it is legal to own livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, goats, etc.), in Fayette County, the owner is responsible for properly restraining the animals. If the owner is shown to be negligent, they could be charged. (O.C.G.A. 4-3-3).”