Saturday, February 8, 2025

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High School Coach Placed on Leave for Prohibiting Wrong Bathroom

Students as young as middle school in China, Japan, Taiwan, and India spend their school days mastering physics, chemistry, and calculus, among other serious disciplines. Students and teachers in the United States are trying to figure out which bathrooms to use. Without consequence, a teacher in the United States can produce students in her or his discipline who don’t know the square root of 4 or the chemical composition of water or whether Nazi Germany fought with or against the United States in World War II, but that inept teacher can be suspended by making a bathroom entrance decision deemed incorrect.

As reported on Todd Starnes,, “An Illinois high school teacher has been suspended and is under investigation after he refused to let a biological girl change in the boy’s locker room. The above-cited posting presents an interview this past Friday with Todd Starnes and the teacher, Cody Hiller. The illuminating full interview can be accessed through the link or the full transcript presented in the posting.

A summary of highlights of the interview:

Todd Starnes (TS)  states he learned of what he characterizes as a “disturbing incident” on The Gateway Pundit. High school physical education teacher in southern Illinois named Cody Hiller (Hiller) had been suspended from his job because he refused to follow orders and allow a girl to change clothes in the boys locker room. I want to go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line right now. We are honored to have Cody Hiller with us. Coach, thanks for coming on the program today. Hiller had been a teacher for 14 years at West Frankfort High School. Starnes informed that Hiller is a husband and a warrior.

HILLER (CH) explained that a few days prior, last Monday, we had a student that started P.E. that said that she was planning on changing in the boys locker room. A biological female wanted change in the boys locker room. When I was notified of this, I went to our administration and let them know that I could not would not allow that to happen. I held in that stance trying to protect all students, and I was placed on administrative leave until all of that could get sorted out.

CH continued: I am still on administrative leave again waiting for the next process. I was notified by my administration today that it was going to be a board meeting done with remedy of evaluation process, which I’m not sure what all that means. I think the gist of it is, you know, making sure that no one is being discriminated against in this process.

In response to Starnes’ question, Hiller explained his problem with the female student going into the boys’ locker room was a matter of safety. “I think all students should be protected. All of them, no matter how they identify. But it’s just not safe. It’s not the place to be. I am a Christian. I do have my own beliefs on this as well. But you don’t have to be a Christian to believe this either. It’s just it’s just a matter of right and wrong. And it’s a line that I was not willing to cross.”

CH acknowledged the issue has become a pervasive topic of conversation. Hiller added that he was prohibited from informing students “of what was taking place or their parents over would be labeled as discrimination on that matter as well.” Hiller emphasized: “That was the hardest part for me, was not being able to notify anybody of what was going on.” Hiller mentioned he is the father of six children, ages nine years old to three months old.

Hiller sought to convey the big picture. “I’ve got to really given us (actual transcript) a lot of peace about this because we know we’re making the right decision. It’s a job that I enjoy teaching kids and having kids, but it’s a job.” Hiller emphasized: “The big thing that’s always stood out to me about this is the law that needs to be changed. It’s a terrible law. We’ve got a couple in the state and this is one of them that needs to be changed. And so my goal is if I lose my job, that’s okay. But I want the word to spread that this stuff right here is happening in southern Illinois at Chicago, but southern Illinois. And it’s time for some people a lot of people to do something about it.”

Hiller informed that he has legal counsel, the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Liberty Counsel, based in Florida.

TS asked Hiller: “What is the message for other teachers out there, other coaches, physical education, teachers that are going to be facing these kinds of situations and issues?” Hiller responded: “If this isn’t a line in the sand, then what is? It’s tough to step out because you’re putting your livelihood on the line. You know, they’ve got kids, they’ve got families, they’ve got bills to pay. All understandable. But it’s not going to stop if we don’t put a stop to it….. All students need to be protected.”

TS provided his concluding remarks: “Cody, you’re a good man. And I think you’re setting a great example for teachers…. for dads and a great example for Christians on how to stand up, how to fight for your rights and do so in an honorable way. And so we wish you the very best. And we’re going to follow this case and just let us know what we can do and what our audience can do to stand alongside you. Hiller is now on administrative leave because he did what was right. Folks, if you live in that area, go to the school board meeting and let your voices be heard.

D&B Staff

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